A final word from the project coordinators
The PANACEA project has contributed to advancing road safety…
November 5, 2024/by Jenny CarsonThe PANACEA podcast series
In 2024, PANACEA started a new podcast series. These podcasts…
November 5, 2024/by Jenny CarsonNews from the PANACEA Use Cases
Throughout the final year of the PANACEA project, the effectiveness…
November 5, 2024/by Jenny CarsonPANACEA posters
These posters developed for the TRA conference in Dublin in…
November 5, 2024/by Jenny CarsonOn the road with the PANACEA team
The third and final year of the PANACEA project was a bumper…
November 5, 2024/by Jenny CarsonPANACEA in scientific publications
As well as having abstracts and presentations accepted at key…
November 5, 2024/by Jenny CarsonFinal event of the PANACEA project: a holistic approach to fitness to drive – 10 September (Online)
The PANACEA final event took place online on 10 September.
November 5, 2024/by Jenny CarsonDuring…
New Year – New Podcast
Happy New Year from the Panacea team.
In this first podcast…
November 5, 2024/by Panacea communications teamIn this first podcast…
A podcast all about…countermeasures!
In this episode, we talk to Prof Ashleigh Filtness from Loughborough…
November 5, 2024/by Panacea communications teamA Horizon 2020 Project
The PANACEA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 953426.
Panacea project
c/o panacea@etsc.eu