Work Packages
1 – User analysis, involvement and use cases
WP1 will improve the PANACEA Use Cases through desktop literature reviews, benchmarking against existing and cutting edge technologies, identification of user needs and requirements based on interviews and focus groups with drivers, riders, operators, enforcers, and stakeholders.
Leader: CERTH
2 – Solution architecture and specifications
The main aim of WP2 is to provide a concrete blueprint of the Panacea platform will be developed and how its main solution components are connected and interact with each other. The architecture design will be refined after re-adjustment, testing and evaluation of all individual modules and the first PANACEA platform prototype.
Leader: UNI Systems
3 – Methodologies for assessments
The main aim of WP3 is to provide algorithms and thresholds for the different indicators needed for assessing a driver’s fitness to drive. The assessment will take into account driver impairment (due to alcohol, drugs, medications, mental fatigue, stress and cognitive demand), the different use cases, and the different vehicle automation levels.
Leader: Chalmers
4 – Fitness to drive assessment system and regulations
The main aim of WP 4 is to explore various aspects of Fitness to Drive assessments before and during the drive and to consider the appropriate enforcement measures. The work package verifies and assembles an integrated driver detection, monitoring, and assessment system for validation and evaluation in WP6 pilots.
Leader: VIF
5 – Strategic, tactical and operational countermeasures
The main aim of WP5 is to develop and populate a cloud-based coaching and support system ready to be pilot tested. This will include elements targeted appropriately towards: drivers, operators and enforcement. Strategic, tactical and operational countermeasures will be developed that are targeted towards each use case, taking into account their specific needs. The content of the system will be grounded by state-of-the-art scientific knowledge, theories of behaviour change and the needs of the user. The cloud-based system itself will interface with the assessment/monitoring elements of the project to identify drivers experiencing difficulty, take into account incentivisation principles of design and consider ethical implications of use.
Leader: Loughborough University
6 – Pilot
WP6 will validate and evaluate the algorithms (WP3), the CHTs (WP4), and the countermeasures (WP5) created based on the WP1 Use Cases in respect to their technical functionality (Sensitivity/Specificity) and their effects on driver state and behaviour, but also on usefulness, trust and acceptance. The work includes planning and implementation of pilots in 3 different pilot sites (Sweden, Greece, and Spain) addressing bus/shuttle drivers, taxi drivers and delivery riders, truck and, finally, coach drivers.
Leader: VTI
7 – Impact assessment
The main aim of WP7 is to assess the project impacts enabling and verifying the release of the impacts/benefits of the project. The specific aspects to be investigated in this Work Package are the project impact in relation to the EU safety targets, the impacts of the countermeasures proposed and developed by the project, cross-modal transferability, ensuring that the outputs of the project are beneficial also in other transport modes and the simulation of various scenarios to explore the impacts of the project solutions at different levels.
Leader: CTLUP
8 – Dissemination, exploitation, standardisation and policy actions
The aim of work package 8 is to disseminate PANACEA project developments and results to external actors and stakeholders. It will also consider the project’s potential impact and sustainability by working on the exploitation of the project’s results and developing standardisation and policy and legislative proposals.
Leader: ETSC
9 – Project management
Leader: VTI
10 – Ethics requirements
Leader: VTI