Two years down the research road
An update from the project leaders Anna Anund and Katerina Touliou.
We are pleased to report significant progress in our PANACEA platform development. Over the past two years, our partners have been working diligently on defining technical and functional specifications, the technologies per Use Case, as well as identifying the data characteristics. The integration process for each Use Case is well underway, with technical verification and validation already started.
Data gathering on the accuracy and appropriateness of each technology for the CHTs (Commercial Health Toolkits) is done, researching the state-of-the-art in the field. The development team has made a decision to strive towards using more suitable metrics, taking into consideration the integration of sensors.
In addition to this, the PANACEA cloud-based countermeasure system is under development and the evaluation framework has been defined. We have recently completed simulator studies on fatigue, distraction, and alcohol to support the development and refinement of the algorithms. An evaluation of the drugs biosensor in real operational settings has been done on almost 600 drivers by police officers in Norway by our partner ROADPOL.
Our UC-driven pilots are currently in the final stages of integration and we are excited about the outcome of PANACEA. We aim to create new assessment technologies and countermeasure strategies, which will form a new fitness to drive paradigm applicable in commercial vehicle operations with vehicles at various automation levels.
Update on the Work Packages
PANACEA project partners have been working hard delivering the work required of them under the project’s various Work Packages. Many of the PANACEA deliverables are confidential and therefore cannot be published in full. However, a summary of all the deliverables submitted to the European Commission so far are now available on our website here. These include: Deliverable 2.1 which describes the functional and operational requirements of all the subsystems that form part of the PANACEA platform; Deliverable 3.1 which describes the types and sources of measurements needed in order to form a holistic Fitness to Drive assessment; Deliverable 5.1 which describes the prototype operational cloud-based coaching and support system.