Entries by Jenny Carson

A final word from the project coordinators

The PANACEA project has contributed to advancing road safety by developing a comprehensive, 24-hour driver monitoring solution. This innovative solution focuses on detecting and managing various driver impairments and states, including fatigue, stress, alcohol and drug consumption, and distraction. By targeting these critical factors, PANACEA aims to improve fitness to drive among professional drivers and […]

The PANACEA podcast series

In 2024, PANACEA started a new podcast series. These podcasts were an opportunity to learn more about a particular aspect of the PANACEA project by chatting to one of the people responsible for designing and developing it. We kicked off the series by sitting down with Dr Selpi from Chalmers University to talk about how […]

News from the PANACEA Use Cases

Throughout the final year of the PANACEA project, the effectiveness of the PANACEA solution was evaluated in the three Use Cases: Use Case A (Shuttle buses, Sweden), Use Case B (Delivery service riders and taxi drivers, Greece) and Use Case C (Coach drivers, Spain). The main results of the evaluation will be made available on […]

PANACEA posters

These posters developed for the TRA conference in Dublin in April 2024 are a quick and easy way to learn more about the PANACEA project and its holistic fitness to drive solution. There’s a poster on the sensors used in the project, another on the Biomathematical Model predicting fatigue, one on the decision-making process developed […]

On the road with the PANACEA team

The third and final year of the PANACEA project was a bumper year for attending conferences and events to spread the word about the project. PANACEA partners attended 13 different events in total. Here’s an overview of the events they went to and what they talked about. International Symposium on Intelligent Technology for Future Transportation […]

PANACEA in scientific publications

As well as having abstracts and presentations accepted at key conferences, PANACEA partners also published 5 articles in scientific journals and authored one chapter of a handbook: ‘Coupling Capillary-Driven Microfluidics with Lateral Flow Immunoassay for Signal Enhancement’ Pooya Azizian, Jasmina Casals-Terré,Elena Guerrero-SanVicente, Ruta Grinyte, Jordi Ricart and Joan M. Cabot Biosensors https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6374/13/8/832 —————————————————————- ‘Temporal Dashboard […]

PANACEA in the commercial press

The PANACEA project was mentioned in two recent articles written on driver safety in the commercial press. Commercial motor magazine wrote about how driver checks before driving are just as important as vehicle checks – ‘The appliance of science: driver checks could soon replace walk-around checks as the first tasks of the working day as […]